Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall scarf excitement

Today Matt took 30+ scarves to work to have a little scarf show at his desk. He had a ton of interest and sold 4 scarves within the first hour! He said: "People are flocking around my desk!!!" (That's 3 exclamation points, which means alot from Matt). Well by lunchtime he got busted for selling something that wasn't for a fundraiser, so he had to hide the scarves away... But he managed to sell 11 scarves, and has a couple others set aside on reserve!! Go Matt :)
Here are the fall colored sock scarves that are hot off the sewing machine:

1 comment:

Leigh Seddon-Slingluff said...

Congrats to all the sales!

And I never knew matt was such a rebel. I'm sure if the scarves weren't as cool as they are, he would have never been busted. :)