Monday, January 12, 2009

Nothing But Monday

It occurred to me yesterday that I have been taking an unplanned, unintentional and unannounced break from Rachel's Thread. If you placed an order in the last few weeks (besides Xmas orders), or emailed me about something, please FORGIVE me :) I should be back on track this week!

In other news, the next Punk Rock Scarf Party is set for February 8th at Underground in Smithville, NJ. Who is coming??? Last time everyone who came out was entered to win a free scarf, and anyone who didn't win got an awesome consolation prize, which in many cases was a cool pair of socks! I'll probably do the same thing again, but I'm not exactly sure, so there may be some surprises.

Completely un-related, but my hubby Matt is getting ready to start up his resume writing business, 5 Star Resumes. He has years of experience working for the department of labor, and he can write a pretty great resume. If anyone out there is looking for that, here is his email . I suppose once he gets things up and running he will get something @, but anyway.

On the subject of websites, I've been working on a new website, and though it's still under construction, I thought it would be ok to give everyone a preview:

OK. That is all for now.
Have a great Monday <3 Rachel

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First things first...

I'm getting ready to design some sock scarves, so I thought I'd ask everyone a sock-related question.

What do you put on first, your pants or your socks?

This should be an easy one.... Just curious.