Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Events Events Events!

Thanks to everyone who stopped out on a cold a rainy Sunday to see Rachel's Thread and Mermaid Tears Jewelry at The Flying Carp! We did have a lot of people in the store, and it was a great day! I only took one photo... which I will post later ~

Tonight is the Art Party at my house, which will feature painting on location by Leigh Seddon-Slingluff. We will have paintings for sale and of course scarves! As an added treat, tonight will be the debut of Hooray for Crochet, by my awesome and talented friend Amy. For a preview of her adorable creations, check out her etsy page here ahmee.etsy.com.

And next week, I will be joining Jennifer from Mermaid Tears jewelry and graphic artist Julie Goldstein at the Mermaid Tears Holiday Open House!

(click to enlarge)

Hope to see everyone soon! If anyone is looking for custom orders for the holidays (sports teams, kids scarves, or anything custom) please let me know by some time next week.

<3 Rachel


Leigh Seddon-Slingluff said...

Thank you so much for hosting the Art Party!! On top of a successful night for all 3 artists (you, me, and Amy) it was a lot of fun mixing and mingling.

(Do I sound 70 when i say that?) Either way! Thank you.... :)

Rachel's Thread said...

We were hob-nobbing.