Wow. It's been almost a month since my last blog post... Sorry about that :\
Tonight I'm cleaning out my closet. Really just reorganizing, since it's hard for me to part with most things, like the dress I wore to my high school graduation, and things like that. I was able to put aside about 20 things for goodwill, and about 4 or 5 for Up-cycling, and the rest is now being squeezed back into my side of the closet. Our closet is a semi walk-in closet. Matt and I share the closet equally, and we share all the dresser drawers equally. I suppose that is fair, since although I own alot MORE clothes than him, each item takes up about 1/2 the space.
Matt went to the dr today and he has bronchitis! Poor guy. I made him some grilled cheese and now he's sleeping on the couch. I'm trying to wash my hands more than usual. I would rather not catch it, and alot of times I don't get sick when he's sick, which is a nice little immunity I've developed. Still I'll inevitably be around his germs since we sleep in the same bed, so we'll see what happens.
So back to the closet. I found a dollar in a pair of pants. Yay! But I'm pretty sad because even after all this cleaning, my favorite pink Steel Train shirt is missing. I always wear that shirt when we go to the beach, so my only hope is maybe it's in our beach bag. Basically the last thing to put away is all kinds of exercise clothes, which I never wear. I will reluctantly keep them under the assumption that someday I will become one of those people who goes to the gym. (I never will).
Did I mention I should be working on scarves? We're planning a scarf party in Michigan with our friends Bill and Rebecca who we will be visiting this weekend. I truly do work BEST at the last minute. At least I did have a productive procrastination night.
Back to work.
ps. here is something else I do when I am procrastinating: